Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Everyday Pants

I've had some questions since forever
I have to ask so please remember
These pants you've worn now since September
Are they the only ones, the lonely ones
Are they the only ones?

But Hannah, what should I do?
These duds I own I swear I wear them just for you.

If J.C. came back now would he approve?
Take a look now these pants they still look brand new
No logos? What's with the secrets, hey?
Anyone could tell these dickies from a mile away.

Hannah, what should I do?
These duds I own I swear I wear them just for you
But Hannah, What should I do?
If I had another pair you know I'd just give them to you.

5 minutes left
Please don't go yet.

Copyright 2009- The Squish (Kris Ruston)

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