Thursday, September 11, 2008

Who knew?

Was I the only person alove who did not know there was such a thing called a Kiwi bird?
I only randomly came across it while googling images if Kiwis(don't even start).

A kiwi is any of the species of flightless birds endemic to New Zealand of the genus Apteryx (the only genus in family Apterygidae). At around the size of a domestic chicken, kiwi are by far the smallest living ratites. All kiwi species are endangered. The kiwi is also a national symbol of New Zealand.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A little school for you and me

So as i was doing bio today, they guy started talking about this beetle, the Bombardier beetle. I had never actually heard of it before. So i, being the good little homeschooler i am, Googled it...well YouYubed it actually. And this is what i came up with.


If you youtube it some of the comments, you will see that they are also talking about evolution taking a role.

I watched this small video and i thought it was really interesting. Of course....I don't believe that it evolved or anything like that. But it shows you how the beetle works. And for us Christians, proves to us, how amazing out God is.

anyways. I just wanted to share those


Sunday, September 7, 2008

So Photogenic

Mr. Lime Cat

Pretty Grapefruits

Lemons that sort of look like pale oranges.
Limes..the first C.F. to be googled.
And lastly the Orange.

Sometimes, in my spare time I like to google images of citrus much fun.
You don't have to tell me. I know I am wierd.