Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Bless you, haha.(I am in a cheesy humour mood)

The Cashew is not actually a nut. It is a seed and it belongs to the poisen ivy family.

Monday, October 22, 2007


When I was just a wee hobbit, I would go into my mom's bathroom drawer and see her mascara. For some reason I thought it was for your eyebrows and so I would put it onto my eyebrows. Black Mascara. As soon as I put it on I would realize it looked horrible and so I would try to take it off. I would scrub and scrub and finally my face would look semi normal, except for the fact that the area around my eyes was bright red. And I remember doing that quite a few times..I wonder why I didn't learn my lesson.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Taken from 'Eat shrink and be Merry'
So it is better to exercise in the morning before you have breakfast because your body will need energy and since there is no food in your body it will go to your stored fat cells which results in more burned fat...ta dah!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Okay so I have been having so many Banana thoughts lately I just haven't been able to remember them long enough to write them down on here. I will try harder next time Banana readers. I just didn't want you to think I had left you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"You cant say it's wrong to impose your morals on othersbecause, when you tell us something is wrong, you're imposing your morals on us, and you can't do that because you just said its wrong to do that."-Frank Peretti-Hangman's Curse.