Sunday, December 30, 2007

So. Today I was thinking about toilets.
Don't laugh at me because I am wierd!

No really.
I have decided that I hate flushing toilets at other peoples house.
Cause really it might be one of those ones that you need to press down on the ..button? for like a long time or it might be one that you only need to press on it a bit. And the whole thing might end up with an overflowing toilet and that would be just slightly embarasing.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

What descibes a best friend?
Is it what you can tell them?
How they listen to you?
what they do for you?
How you can act around them?
What goes on between you two.?
what secrets you tell each other?
What presents you get them?
How awften you think of them?

Ive been wondering that.

Friday, December 21, 2007


I bought a pair of grey sweat pants a while ago. Must have been like at least a month now. And...I have not washed them. It's really quite disgusting. Well they don't look bad but the thought is disgusting.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The phrase, "One man's trash is another man's treasure" is very true.
So next time you are going to give something away call me first.

Friday, November 16, 2007

=( =) =(=)=) =(=(=(

someone posted a comment, then deleted it
that makes me sad.

"Dont worry be happy, dont worry be happy"

we watched Flushed Away last monday

twas a good movie

Thursday, November 15, 2007

It Snowed Last Night
oh, it snowed last night It snowed last night.
The sky bears had a pillow fight,
Tore up all the clouds in sight,
tossed down all the feathers white.
Oh, it snowed last night, It snowed last night
Yes it did snow last night, but the bears cleaned up all the clouds, so now we dont have any snow left.....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Bless you, haha.(I am in a cheesy humour mood)

The Cashew is not actually a nut. It is a seed and it belongs to the poisen ivy family.

Monday, October 22, 2007


When I was just a wee hobbit, I would go into my mom's bathroom drawer and see her mascara. For some reason I thought it was for your eyebrows and so I would put it onto my eyebrows. Black Mascara. As soon as I put it on I would realize it looked horrible and so I would try to take it off. I would scrub and scrub and finally my face would look semi normal, except for the fact that the area around my eyes was bright red. And I remember doing that quite a few times..I wonder why I didn't learn my lesson.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Taken from 'Eat shrink and be Merry'
So it is better to exercise in the morning before you have breakfast because your body will need energy and since there is no food in your body it will go to your stored fat cells which results in more burned fat...ta dah!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Okay so I have been having so many Banana thoughts lately I just haven't been able to remember them long enough to write them down on here. I will try harder next time Banana readers. I just didn't want you to think I had left you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"You cant say it's wrong to impose your morals on othersbecause, when you tell us something is wrong, you're imposing your morals on us, and you can't do that because you just said its wrong to do that."-Frank Peretti-Hangman's Curse.

Friday, September 28, 2007

I have decided I don't like cooking with other people, no offense Alex! I just have my ways which might seem strange to other people.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hannah, you stole my post.
I was just going to come on and make a post like that..
bllaaaahhh you...
Well yes, i find it awkward.
But i find it awkward giving people cards.
Singing happy birthday.

Giving them a A LOG =)

tip in life.

NEVER make chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing while wearing a WHITE shirt!!!NEVER

im done.

Does anybody else find singing happy birthday with other people awkward?
Like there's the whole somebody has to start is thing. And off key singers so you can't really sing on key because then you would sound wierd.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Go through one not-so-normal( clothes) phase in your life and people will never let you forget it.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Ive always wondered if when it rains, and your out side. IF when you stand still will you get wetter then if you move around...Ive heard that you get wetter (is that a word) if you just stand there, then if you walk around..I guess next time Hannah, and it rains hard, we will have to try it.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A banana theory.

100 brush strokes on your hair a day actually makes it strong and healthy because..
by brushing your taking away the old dead hair and making room for new soft ones..and yeah something like that :).

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

ha, Right First post by ace....
DId you know that if you put Ivory Soap in your bed at night, You wont get leg cramps?
Ive never tried it, but my grandparenst have.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Words, Who need 'em?

Have you ever experienced that odd..feeling when you say a word and it doesn't sound right? And you say it a couple more times and it just sounds strange and foreign? And the more you repeat it the more wierd it becomes and you usually have to check with another human being to see if it is actually a word.
I get that feeling alot. Every once in a while it will be just like whooah do I actually use you in sentences?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The rules of brushing..

You can never brush just once.Usually twice, one to clean in general and two to do finishing touches and leave a minty fresh taste in your mouth. Sometimes three times is in order if you happen to use a really yucky paste on the second time through and you don't want to be stuck with that taste all day.

It's kinda like a circle.

Sometimes I will put off having a shower to the point where it is really gross. But since it is gross I feel lazy and gross and I won't have a shower and since I am not having a shower my hair gets grosser and it keeps going on until I have to go somewhere.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's a fact.

almost everybody hates pictures of themselves. Even if they are beautiful and the picture is amazing they will think it's terrible. I am at fault in this department. But in my case the pictures are actually terrible...:)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Coffee Coffee Coffee

Does it actually make you short or stunt your growth? Seems like a likely story to me.


Why nails?
To me all they're uses seem to be getting painted. Prying apart lego pieces.
getting things stuck underneath them. Growing getting bitten off and regrowing.
Is there a point that I am missing?